Church Update In Response to the Coronavirus

Yesterday was a very difficult day, as the decision was made to suspend services until at least the first week of April. As it stands right now, it sounds as if we’d be able to hold services during Holy Week, so I’m certainly optimistic for that.

In the meantime the plan is have a video service posted Sunday…Whether the service is done via livestreaming on Facebook, or we post a recorded service, I’m still looking into the best way to produce the best quality type of video service experience. My hopeful goal would be to start and end the message with a song, having the confessions in there, along with a message. I’m sorry this is not more informative regarding that, but as I said, I’m still trying to figure out the best way to do this, in a way that can give you that full worship experience. I will make sure to send out an email later this week with links, through Facebook and to our church website where you can see the videos once they are posted.

I think the greatest struggle I’m having with all of this is that fellowship, community, gathering are all such essential aspects of our faith. It is in times of uncertainty that we draw strength together going to our God in prayer, as one. But even though gatherings are being limited, the church will still be open during this time, and you are welcome to come by anytime for prayer, personal Bible study, or just to socialize.

On top of that, our food pantry will be open twice a week to fill any needs, and we have people more than willing to do any type of shopping you may need if you can’t go out. This is one way the body of Christ can continue to function, by serving each other, so please do not hesitate to ask for any type of assistance. As stated above, please feel free to email me with any requests you may have! I think this description Paul wrote of his dear friend Timothy is the example of why we should never hesitate to ask for help, because it’s our joy to be able to serve one another:

Philippians 2:19-22 – I hope in the Lord Jesus to send Timothy to you soon, so that I too may be cheered by news of you. For I have no one like him, who will be genuinely concerned for your welfare. For they all seek their own interests, not those of Jesus Christ. But you know Timothy’s proven worth, how as a son with a father he has served with me in the gospel.

Let us continue to serve one another in love, glorifying our Savior,

Pastor Dave